Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dangerous Oil Spill in Mexico

Gulf Oil Spill

The incident of spill of oil in Mexico still disastrous and may be harmful for the sea animals like fish, oysters and can also cause the other birds to fly over the surface of the water as there was a big leakage in the well near Mexico. The spilling is still continue from the well to other states near the sea shores and cause also damages for the beach resorts and other valuables. As you can see the oil surface on water in the picture above.

Oil Spill in Mexico

According to Wall Street Journale, the U.S. Coast Guard said Tuesday that five staging areas are ready to protect sensitive shorelines in areas that could be affected by the spill. The staging areas includes Biloxi, Miss., Pascagoula, Miss., Pensacola, Fla., Venice, La. and Theodore, Ala.According to Wall Street Journale, the U.S. Coast Guard said Tuesday that five staging areas are ready to protect sensitive shorelines in areas that could be affected by the spill. The staging areas includes Biloxi, Miss., Pascagoula, Miss., Pensacola, Fla., Venice, La. and Theodore, Ala.


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