Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health IT and Reforms

Health reforms made by the President of America Mr. Obama has been passed in the Senate and now it has gain the status of law from the house. wether these reforms are productive or non productive.

There are sections on Quality Reporting, Administrative Simplification, creation of a National Medical Device Registry, a new Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research, and the creation of the Assistant Secretary for Health Information. I'm sure there is still a great deal more that I will uncover over the coming weeks, but some of the pertinent sections of the bill are:
Under the section, Part D - Implementation of best practices in the delivery of healthcare, the health reform package establishes within HHS an Assistant Secretary for Health Information. This will certainly raise the level of the conversation surrounding health IT. The Assistant Secretary will work “in consultation with the Director of the Office of Minority Health, and the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, of the Department, develop standards for the collection of data on health and health care with respect to primary language.” The Assistant Secretary will also coordinate with the head of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology to ensure optimal use of health information technology. So this position will certainly augment the work of the ONC.


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